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OK, so we are pretty fans of DWRS, but how did they come up with the name and how do you actually pronounce it? Because it is a pretty stubborn brand, we see this reflected in the name. You pronounce it as 'cross' and so you write DWRS. The DWRS logo indicates that you actually have to add another 'A'. Of course nice how you know how to pronounce the brand, but how exactly did they come up with this name?

The reason behind it is actually simpler than you might think. The founders of DWRS wanted a name that was both original and yet said something about their take on fashion. They always pay attention to the latest trends and often follow them, but in their own way. And that's why they came up with transverse! Like the founders, the logo has a hefty dose of whimsy, which does end up making both the brand and the logo totally unique.

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